Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My emotions have been all over the place, this week. Is it because of your monthly cycle you ask? Or perhaps it is the lasting effects of last week's bikini wax BO-nanza? No, it is because it is right around this time last year that I was running, away from a relationship. Suddenly, one minute I am fine the next minute I am bawling like a freakin' two year. What in tha' heck?

It was sad, but not really. I was ready for it to end and I have no regrets so what is with the random water works? Moreover, what is with the stalkerish behavior? Looking at his profiles, googling his name, finding his myspace page....WHAT IN THE DEGRASSI JR HIGH HECK IS MY GROWN BEHIND DOING? I don't even want him back, but I am suddenly obsessed with his every move this past year. I am reviewing e-mails from our break up. It is just crazy.Nuts even.

Don't tell anyone and don't call me a stalker...I may be slightly stalkerish but I ain't no stalker. I'm going whitney style with mines.

(slowly and quietly opening a new browser)

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