Saturday, January 5, 2008


So, I caught most of the New Hampshire debates. Let me preface what I am about to say with a few key facts.
I am registered to vote.
I consider myself independent although my politics tend to be heavily democratic and liberal.
I have not been spending a whole lot of time getting to know the candidates and their platforms until just recently. (Heck, this year is what really matters, no?)
I have read roughly 50% of Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope" and yes, I teared up a bit when he made his speech after winning in Iowa.
All that being said, I still don't have a firm commitment to a candidate but here are my thoughts after the debates.
Like many of my generation, we are sick and tired of the screwed up politics of George Bush and the republicans. We loved (and still love Clinton), he is one of the presidential heroes of our time and if he could be elected again, the nation would certainly respond....or would they?
I don't know about you, but I am hungry. I not only want change but I want miraculous change. Our nation needs more hopde and possibility than we have ever needed before. Hilary Clinton in office wouldn't neccessarily be such a change. We know what her politics are and they aren't that far removed from those of her husband. And while Mr. Bill did wonderful things for our country, let's not forget that there were some major mistakes made. Gaping holes in foriegn policy (does anyone remember Rwanda? and OUR reluctance to call it genocide). Also, let's not forget, the national health care initiatives that never got off the ground.
What I am trying to say here is, a Clinton in office might be good enough....but why should we settle for less than we deserve?
What if, either Barack Obama or John Edwards in office brought our country to a level that far surpasses the previous Clinton adminstration?
Isn't the point of change, not for us to simply restore ourselves to a place we were at a previous time in our lives, but to actually transcend that point in time and be better?
These are just my thoughts.

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