Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thoughts on a past relationship

There is a boy. A man really. We dated many years ago. He rejected me.

Now he calls me. Just to talk. First he apologized. I accepted. But didn't really need to talk beyond that.

But we talk. Maybe once a month. But every time I talk to him, I am not sure why we are talking.

We don't have alot in common anymore. He has 2 kids, by 2 djfferent mothers.

I have none.

He is another state, living a life that I can't begin to comprehend. Struggles beyond anything I could probably imagine.

But when he calls, I feel the need to call him back.

But why?

He doesn't have any chance with me. (I believe in never saying never, but ima say never.)

So what's the point?

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