Friday, September 14, 2007

The Life and Times of Jackie O

I love my mother to pieces.

My friend calls her Jackie O because she is so incredibly boughesie.

For example, I had a funeral last week and we ended up staying in a Ramada Hotel. Needless to say, Jackie did not say much as we inspected the premises. I nimbly reminded the group that Jackie doesn't generally stay in anything less than 3 stars. She didn't correct me.

Finally, at the end of the day when asked by a family member about the accomodations, Jackie replied, "They are okay. I don't generally stay in places like that."

I find her so entertaining.

The latest amusing exchange came when I was on the phone with Jackie a few night ago. I was telling her about trying to keep my place tidy so I don't have to do extensive cleaning on the weekends. She finally encouraged me to get a cleaning lady.


My Jamaican mummy, who raised me all by her lonesome, worked and got her MBA...who NEVER has had any type of domestic help, is encouraging me, the single, professional 30 something, who works out for fun to get a cleaning lady?

Yes, y'all, Jackie was serious. And I was sold, she is right, why I am doing the things she had to do when I can afford not to? Getting someone to come in a few times a month is like the price of a couple of LA dinners. She worked hard and sacrificed so that my life could be easier.

And in a lot of is.

Look, if mummy thinks I need a cleaning lady, then dammit...I need a cleaning lady.


Naturally Sophia said...

I dunno Lovely JD. I think chores keep you humble. But I say that knowing I can not afford domestic help. If I could...

lovelyjd said...

I hear ya. And my reservation is having a stranger in my home.