Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Life is Good (and so is yours, probably)

At the end of everyday, as I race home to get back on the internet, I am faced with the reality that my life is pretty good.

As I get older, I am acutely aware of the fact that there is no perfection. There is no perfect job, perfect mate, perfect life (although I still believe that there are many perfect shoes, bags and coats), therefore, I understand that there will always be something to deal with or work through and I am okay with that (most days).

But I often find myself grateful for, well, everything. Here is a short list.

1) I have a job AND it pays me well.

I make good money at a company that I love. I am not all that thrilled about the job, but my salary affords me many luxuries that enhance my life. I thank God for this. What is lacking in my job, I make up for in travel, spa services, fine dining, health and wellness and anything else that I want. I love to indulge.

2) I live in Southern California.

Today, it was 70 something degrees. Everyday is for the most part, a sunny day. I don't have to worry about cloudiness, wind, snow and the depressing grays of other major cities. Here, its sunshine, most of the time, and I am so grateful for that.

3) My Parents are well.

Both of my parents are in decent health. My dad is 60 and my mom is 59. They are both entering into the golden years with grace.

4) I am in excellent health.

I can swim a mile, bike 24 and run 6. My skin is shiny and vibrant. My hair is a wild mix of curls and kinks. My teeth are staight, no cavities recently. I have the use of all of my limbs and appendages.

These are just a few reasons why my life is good. I am going to continue to try to focus on the good. You should too.

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